BeamWriter for Android lets you pick up BeamWriter services beamed at events and presentations, and book rooms equipped with BeamWriter beacons.
Advertised services can be
- a Feedback service conforming to the Net Promoter Score* metric
- a Voting service where you can participate in live votes
- a Chat service where you can post questions or (basically) anything, and respond to posts by others
- a link to a web-page. This opens up for all sorts of publications
- A 'get Email' service where you receive a predefined email with for instance the link to a presentation being delivered,
- an Ask service where you can post questions live during town halls or gatherings
When your company or the event organisers have equipped rooms with BeamWriter beacons you can see what rooms are close and immediately determine whether they are free or occupied. Bookable rooms can be reserved.
(*Net Promoter Score" is a customer loyalty metric developed by (and a registered trademark of) Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company, and Satmetrix.)